Running R in Biowulf

Running R on Biowulf

  1. To run R on Biowulf, you have to log-in using VPN with Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client. Click Connect button and follow the instructions.


  2. Enter your authentication.

  3. At the terminal window, type ssh -Y Substitute user_name with your login user name. You can find your user_name by typing whoami in the terminal window.


  4. On success you will be prompted to enter your password as shown below:


  5. At the prompt, type command hostname to verify you are on the Biowulf login node. The login node is a computer where jobs are submitted (not described here). If you want to interactively run an application such as R, you need to request a compute node with the command sinteractive. On success, it will look like the graphic below.


  6. With success, you can confirm you have a compute node with the command hostname. You will get a node name cn3103. The node number 3103 will likely be different.


  7. You can see the available R versions with the command module -r avail '^R$'.


  8. Finally you select the version with the command module load R/4.0.0


  9. Then typeR at the prompt to launch R.
